Anyway, lots of things to get to this week.
- I watched "Lost" religiously (get it?) for five years, so seriously, I should not have been as upset as I was by the finale. I should have seen it coming. I feel the disappointment of a life-long religious person who just now realizes he's been praying to a fairy tale. That's all I'm saying.
- I've been sick all week. First, I think I had either a stomach flu or food poisioning. Plus, I've been having kidney discomfort, AND I have a loose filling in one of my molars. I'm really glad this week is over.
- I had this dream the other night (I know, stories about dreams are awful, so I'll keep this brief): I was making out with a lady (this story won't get gross, promise). Anyway, I'm making out with a girl, something else happens, then she says something like "Oh, I hate the term 'doggy style.' I am not a dog!" To which, in my dream, I respond with, "C'mon, baby. Don't take the term so literally. I mean, when we're doing the Missionary position, I don't feed and clothe you just so you'll believe in Jesus Christ." Even in my dreams, I'm hilarious.
- I also finished watching the last season of "Deadwood" on DVD this week. I can't recommend that show enough. So great and funny and tense and awesome. Which heralded TV show from last decade should I watch next on DVD: "Battlestar Gallatica" or "The Shield"?
Have a great long weekend, everyone.