Favorite records of 2011, in descending order of love: Wye Oak, Holy Ghost!, Future Islands (favorite lyric: “My body’s like a wave/Caving in on me”), Tune-Yards, Cults, Beirut, The Drums, Lia Ices, and Little Scream.
Favorite personal moments of 2011: Scrapheap becoming a dad, Murbles getting married, the doctor putting a ring on a lady’s finger, the entire season of “Breaking Bad,” seeing Jeff Mangum in a beautifully falling apart church, drunkenly talking to Jenn Wasner (also Wye Oak’s show that night), being in the same room as Ian MacKaye on three separate occasions (though never getting close enough to actually speak to him), standing poolside at a Beverly Hills hotel with Murbles’ wife while gawking at almost the entire casts of “Parks and Rec” and “The Office,” seeing Medications play to maybe 40 people, and finishing a short movie. Pretty good times.
Nearly every one of those events happened after June of last year, which, according to this site’s archive, is that last time I posted something here. I now realize that I have been an absentee contributor, and I have no idea why. It certainly wasn’t for a lack of material. I witnessed four of my closest friends joyfully enter the next phases of their adult lives, and I couldn’t be happier for them. I went to Afghanistan, which sucked, but still, it could’ve made for interesting blog fodder. Christ, LCD Soundsystem ended. I could’ve written for months just about that, but I didn’t.
I guess I could use the standard fallback of being too busy at work, which I was, but that’s not wholly accurate. The simple, honest fact is that words failed me this year. At the time of any of those aforementioned moments, I could not express anything about them, whether it was joy, sadness, awe, or abject fear. It’s like I couldn’t relate to what I was feeling without making a joke out of it or being disingenuously ironic or snarky. I don’t know why, and I don’t know why it’s taken me 12 days into 2012 to realize how remarkable 2011 was.
Maybe in response to so much personal and professional change, I just put my head down to get through it. Perhaps I avoided writing about the good times because I didn’t want to appear to be bragging. Maybe I just didn’t know what to make of it all and had no way to honestly express what I felt about of any it. In any case, I hope this trend doesn’t continue. This place means a lot to me, even if it is only read by only one other person.
So, here’s to 2011. May we not have to pay for our mistakes for many more years to come!
And Happy 2012, Pete. Now put up more adorable baby pictures!