What's new, guys? Not much on this end. I’ve been hanging and banging, ya know. Well, maybe not so much with the “banging,” but everything’s been solid.
Hey, I heard on the "Daily Show" about that Republican Congressman totally being caught trying to jerk off a couple of fifteen year old boys. Way gross. If that were me, I’d be all, like, “Dude, you got a floor vote to get to. Not the time to cyber-pull my wang.” I mean, right? LOL.
Then, on "Countdown" that dude was talking about that Republican Senator from Virginia who's Jewish but doesn’t want anyone to know, and how he hates black people, and that he apparently knows several different words for black people in different languages. I mean, damn, yo. You know you’re racist when you make sure to learn the ethnic slurs of countries you don’t even live in.
Oh, and then on "60 Minutes" they were talking about how a lot of the country is totally bumming on the President and how he handled Iraq, the hurricane, the economy, oil dependence, CEO malfeasance, nuclear proliferation, tying his shoes, torture, and… well, dudes, I kinda lost track after that.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing to you, ladies and gentledudes, is to say this:
I’ve seen you there, hiding away, saying nothing, and hoping that the snowball the Republicans have kicked down the hill will smother them all. You may believe that you can just sit back and look good by comparison, benefiting from the “At Least My Party Doesn’t Try Fuck Boy Scouts” defense, but you’d be wrong.
Don’t stand silent and pray not to get hit with any Bad-PR shrapnel. Use this to promote your agenda, to announce your ideas, like… uh... um... Well, what the hell are your ideas, anyway?
Remember, dudes: The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Your Loving Blog Servants,
It took me quite awhile to figure out what 'WAWGDWATT' stood for. Duh!
What worries me is that Americans are typically quick to get angry but very slow to take action, especially political or social movements. Are there enough pissed off, voting liberals to counteract the right wingers who don't need to be angry to go vote?
Well, we thought there were enough in 2004, and look where that got us. I'd like to stay optimistic, but if I keep reading newspaper articles about Democrats Ready to Sweep Mid-Terms, I'm gonna freak out, knowing that these types of stories will only serve to stoke the conservative base into voting in record numbers.
All the fucking "independents" need to stop wasting votes. I used to believe that being an independent was the way to go . . . until I realized that my vote didn't count for shit. Independents, would-be democrats, are taking votes away from the democrats. The independent party is a republican ploy to take over the world.
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