"In the past three weeks alone, The Post has run no fewer than six articles about global warming, five of them on the front page [Dec. 20, 23 and 27 and Jan. 7 and 10] and a news story on Dec. 19, as well as an editorial [Jan. 7] and three Tom Toles editorial cartoons [Dec. 18 and 24 and Jan. 8].
I'm still waiting, however, for The Post to run just one article explaining why, despite all of this alarmism, we had no hurricanes above Category 3 during the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season and why none of any size hit the United States. If we are to believe Al Gore's claim in "An Inconvenient Truth" that hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005 were the products of global warming, how does he explain away the 2006 hurricane season?
I'm pretty sure that residents of Denver, having been hit by three blizzards in as many weeks, would welcome some global warming right about now.
The bigger issue, though, is this: Many of the same global-warming doomsayers of today were warning 30 years ago of forthcoming cataclysmic global cooling. Were they wrong then, or are they wrong now? And if they were wrong then, why should we believe them now?"
--Joseph Parisi
Excuse me, sir, but are you completely out of your fucking gourd?!? Were you trying to incorporate every logical fallacy into your argument? In typical idiot American fashion, this ethnocentric asshole dismisses a worldwide (remember the 'global' in 'global warming'?) problem why? Oh yeah, because it's still snows in Denver, Colorado (gasp!), where people enjoy from time to time to ski. On snow. And, oh yeah, Rita's and Katrina's devastation are like, soooooooooo two years ago... like what have you done for me lately, cataclysmic hurricanes? Not enough for this douche bag apparently. If this waste of flesh knew what a tsunami was, or knew that other parts of the world had hurricanes too, I would probably mention that here.
"Alarmism"? The polar ice caps are melting into the ocean like a urinal mint in a puddle of piss. Wake Up!! Alarms should be going off! I love how he throws Al Gore's name (Straw Man!) in the mix like Al Gore just thought up global warming the morning after he invented the Internet.
Unlike yourself, people have actually researched this topic extensively.
To cap it all off, this shithead believes the biggest issue concerning global warming is that some dudes 30 years ago mentioned global cooling! The truth is, you don't believe in global warming because (a) you love NASCAR and all motor sports and don't want everyone to realize what a huge waste of gas it is and the mpg of your avg stock car (sorry 'necks, you've had your fun, but now we're gonna shut this fucking bullshit down), (b) walking to your mailbox instead of driving your H2 there is inconvenient, and (c) for Republicans, things you don't believe are invariably false.
And Tom Toles kicks ass.

And I half-heartedly apologize to a small percentage of the rednecks that I intentionally offended.
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