"Don't create
Don't rebel
Have intuition
Can't decide
Typical girls get upset to quickly
Typical girls can't control themselves
Typical girls are so confusing
Typical girls - you can always tell
Typical girls don't think too clearly
Typical girls are unpredictable (predictable)
Typical girls try to be
Typical girls very well
Typical girls are looking for something
Typical girls fall under spells
Typical girls buy magazines
Typical girls feel like hell
Typical girls worry about spots, fat, and natural smells
Stinky fake smells
Typical girls try to be
Typical girls very well
Don't create
Don't rebel
Have intution
Don't drive well
Typical girls try to be
Typical girls very well
Can't decide what clothes to wear
Typical girls are sensitive
Typical girls are emotional
Typical girls are cruel and bewitching
She's a femme fatale
Typical girls stand by their man
Typical girls are really swell
Typical girls learn how to act shocked
Typical girls don't rebel
Who invented the typical girl?
Who's bringing out the new improved model?
And there's another marketing ploy
Typical girl gets the typical boy
The typical boy gets the typical girl
The typical girl gets the typical boy
Are emotional"
--"Typical Girls" The Slits
Solid Waste
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me
No way! No way!
No it's not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend
You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I think about ya all the time
You're so addictive
Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright?(alright alright alright alright)
Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
Hell yeah
I'm the mother (fucking) princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right(I'm right I'm right I'm right)
She's like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about!
I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again
(and again and again and again)
So come over here, tell me what I want to hear
Better yet make your girlfriend disappear
I don't want to hear you say her name ever again
(And again and again and again!)
She's like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about!
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other
So when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?
blah blah blah.." <--Ok, that's not really in the song
--"Girlfriend" Avril Lavigne
Hey! Hey! You! You! What the hell happened to punk music (besides old age and heroin)? Just like hip-hop (I think that these two musical movements have a lot more in common than you might initially think), it seems that the energy, meaning, and originality that this genre was known for has been totally sucked out over the last decade by... $omething evil. Curse you, damn evil.
All of that goodness is being replaced by complacent drivel. Welcome to the 21st Century, I suppose. I know that times and treands change, the youth get jaded, the music industry crumbles in on itself, and mama said there'd be days like this, but shit! Are we going to have to start a sister site, "Why Doesn't Anyone Else Smell This Shit (WDAESTS)" just to cover all the nonsense? Am I gonna have to start thinking about the 'good old days' so soon in my life? Ugh, I can hear my joints creaking already..
All of that goodness is being replaced by complacent drivel. Welcome to the 21st Century, I suppose. I know that times and treands change, the youth get jaded, the music industry crumbles in on itself, and mama said there'd be days like this, but shit! Are we going to have to start a sister site, "Why Doesn't Anyone Else Smell This Shit (WDAESTS)" just to cover all the nonsense? Am I gonna have to start thinking about the 'good old days' so soon in my life? Ugh, I can hear my joints creaking already..
I suspect, Pete, that you may be categorizing Miss Avril incorrectly. That is, punk (and post-punk and no-wave and hardcore), existed as a small, but loud, minority community that found nothing appealing about popular, mainstream culture (music, fashion, capitalism, etc). Punk (and her decendents) was a response to the "complacent drivel" of ELO or Pink Floyd or disco or whatever. However, as early as 1978, the "style" of punk had been co-opted for youth-directed marketing, establishing forever the sterotype of how a punk looks: leather jacket, spikey hair, boots, etc. At that moment, punk dies an ignoble death. But the really awesome thing is that what survives is the asthetic, the do-it-yourself attitude that spurred its creation in the first place. Punk was the first movement which valued creative energy over ability. It was the first thing to say that anybody could write a song or start a magazine or make a movie. The belief that a small group of people can create their own entertainment, removed from the notion of profit and competition. That's punk, and it still exists today in zines and blogs and independent music and anywhere where people are making art without expectations. Which brings me back to your point: though Avril's management team and record label present as "punk," cut off jeans, heavy eyeliner, and plastic braclets, don't make it so. Neither does her contract with Sony BMG.
I know that Avril Lavigne isn't punk. But that doesn't mean she isn't trying to be. Also, I know that "youth-directed marketing" has been around forever. But it seems to be more effective now than it used to be. I'm saying that punk in all its forms didn't really run out of steam until the early or mid 90's despite the rampant co-opting.
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