And I get pissed. I want to punch the lady right in the face. The same feeling I get when I see people put coats and sweaters and shit on their pets. Start ranting in my head: this is how hundreds of thousands of people are allowed to die in a war based on a lie, this is why more money goes to fucking ASPCA than to homeless centers and soup kitchens, this is how Michael Vick gets actual prison time while rapists and for-real violent people roam free, this is why Darfur is allowed to happen and no one gives a fat fuck. 'Cuz if Darfur were a bunch of dudes killing puppies, then oh-shit, an ungodly stampede would rain down on western Sudan to shut that shit down in a week flat. But no, it's people killing people, so the rest of the world yawns and goes back to hemming their parakeet's cardigan.
Seriously, and from the bottom of my heart, fuck you all.
Now that I've had to time to chill out, I'd like to say that my enmity is aimed at a society that cares more about pets than people, and should by no means be taken as an assault on other blog contributors, who may or may not have an adorable, loving pet of their own, which they may or may not dress up from time to time.
I'm glad you added that comment because that is a fire that you do not want to fuel, my friend.
Dude, I know...
I'd also like to point out that I -- in my anger, mind you -- used that awful rhetorical device that asserts that violent criminals aren't put in jail, that they "roam the streets." This is the worst kind of ridiculous writing, and for that, along with appearing to be anti-pet, I apologize.
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