Look, I don't know what the hell an 'MTV' or a 'VMA' is, and I'm not sure about Taylor's swiftness, but can KanyefuckingWest seriously go 5 minutes without hawking such a wide array of asshattery?

Mike, weren't you just talking about godliness being next to dickishness? I think dude fits the bill.
Kayne West is fucking insane -- and he hasn't made a good song in like four or five years. He had to be out-of-his-mind high. Otherwise, this just makes no sense. You storm the stage and act like petulant child because fucking Beyonce didn't win Best Female Video? Seriously, what's fucking wrong with that dude. That's where he takes a stand? George W. Bush hates black people! And Beyonce's getting raped by the VMAs!
If he's at all smart (and I don't think he is), Team Kanye will announce soon that he's entering rehad, "for exahaustion."
"...and he hasn't made a good song in like four or five years."
Thank you for saying this--it's hard for me to tell because I've always thought he's been pretty overrated as an emcee; I wasn't a huge fan before he blew up, either.
But after the Eminem teabagging incident and shows like the Hills, Next, and the Real World, do I really think that anything MTV broadcasts is not staged?
I should have been more clear: I'd rather listen to an improvised battle rap between Puffy and Robin Williams doing his black voice than to hear Kanye on the mic. But Mr. West was a very fine producer at one point. Even that record that had "Golddigger" on it, which Jon Brion co-produced, had some great moments on it, none of which involved Kanye rapping/talking. And the last good song he made, "Gone," is awesome when Cam'ron is rapping, and is shit-in-your-mouth bad when 'Ye is up to bat.
Anyway, I don't really think it was staged. I don't care either way, but it's hard to imagine West's people approaching Taylor Swift's people and going, "Okay, this'll be great. Kanye wants to storm the stage and act like a four-year-old, mmmkay?" I think of Kanye as more of a spur-of-the-moment type asshole.
It's amazing that such a small bag can hold so much douche.
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