A fractured nation seemed to put its diffferences aside for an hour yesterday, helplessly rubbernecking a potentially tragic event on live TV. In homes and business places throughout this land, concerned citizens and craven navel-gazers alike breathlessly watched...
an empty balloon.
Never forget.
1 comment:
All I know is that fucking contraption could in no way, shape, or form, float a damn little kid for miles and miles. I mean really--you think the child is just sitting inside the damn thing getting high off of all the helium? Didn't see any sort of 'cabin' or basket on this balloon where this poor kid could sit, see, or breathe. Suckers...
And, oh yeah, much respect to the MSM and this crazy family's neighbors who have now categorized the Asian lady/mom as "stoic" and "subservient". Fascinating. They (the Heene family) are appearing on dreadful reality t.v. shows and building/testing UFOs in their backyard, and the first word anybody can come up with about the Asian lady is "subservient"?!? Hum. Are you sure you don't want to go with 'attention starved', or 'emotionally disturbed', or 'somewhat irresponsible'?
..End of Rant
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