I'm in Bolivia for two weeks. It's a landlocked Andean country rich in ancestral tradition. For example, as part of some sort of ritual related to the beginning Carnivale, groups of young boys roam the streets with bags of water balloons targeting mostly groups of young girls or passing cars that have the windows rolled down. One group in a car tried to pelt me with a balloon as they drove slowly past but missed by a mile. Kind of proves why there are no Bolivian baseball players in the majors, right? I mean, how could you miss me?

I walked around this town square in Cochabamba for almost three hours, and this dude never moved once. I hope to be him someday.
The Dark Knight made nearly $470 million in foreign box office. Half of that had to be from the guy who put this on the hood of his car. ¿Por quĂ© tan serio?

My favorite piece of graffiti so far. I like anyone who equates the police with some sort of marching death squad. This is my kind of place.
It's a landlocked Andean country rich in ancestral tradition.
By "ancestral tradition", you mean "cocaine", right?
Yes, I meant cocaine. That first sentence should read:
It's a cocained cocaine rich in cocainal cocaine.
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