Up – I’m in the bag for Pixar. Aside from Cars, they haven’t made a bad movie. And I don’t mean, “for kids’ movies, they’re pretty good.” No, as films, as perfectly constructed pieces of art, Pixar is damn near perfect. They have perfected the kind of concise story and character development that immediately engages an audience, and their meticulously crafted and perfectly lit animation brilliantly illustrates how much can be accomplished within a film frame. Up was my favorite movie that came out in 2009. It’s sad and funny and incredible.
Inglorious Basterds – It’s difficult to separate the artist from his art, especially when that artist is so full of himself and is so painful to listen to, but Quentin Tarantino made a super fun movie that plays with history, idolizes both movies and violence, and shoots Hitler multiple times in the fuckin’ face!
Observe and Report – This may be the darkest comedy I have ever seen. Not in terms of content, but in terms of characters. Not one person in this movie is good or likable in any way. Everyone is a dick, everyone will stab you in the back, and even your mom is just a drunk trying to stave off blacking out so she can drink some more. Even with all that, this movie is incredibly funny in a really pessimistic, gloomy way. Made by the dudes who made Foot Fist Way and "Eastbound and Down."
In The Loop – A brutal British comedy about the impotence and incompetence of politicians. Funny and frightening at the same time.
The Hangover – Las Vegas shenanigans, Zach Galifianakis, and this.
Big Fan – I wrote on this earlier. Awesome movie.
I think that’s it. Don’t let anyone tell you that District 9 was the best movie from last year. Anti-apartheid allegories that shoot its own message in the foot with racist content aren't all that great. I’ll see most of the year’s other top films, like that George Clooney thing and the Coens’ new one, sometime by summertime 2011.
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