It's 2010, people. We should have jetpacks and laser beam soda can openers and be able to float around cities thanks to all the energy-efficient superconductivity. We should be excavating the moon looking for huge black monoliths. James Cameron should be a laughingstock.
But here we are, hopelessly stuck travelling on the ground, arguing about whether or not gay people should have the same rights as the straight people, debating the socialistic tendencies of giving health care coverage to people that need it, and watching the most expensive set of dangling car keys ever. Shit, just two weeks ago, the fucking Supreme Court ruled that corporations can contribute however much they want for political candidates. Fuck the what!? Where are we?
I'm perfectly willing to accept that this is the way it's always been, and it's just now that I'm realizing it, but living in America in 2010 is a lot like being in an elementary school classroom where all the dumb kids are preventing the rest of us from progressing.
We should be coming up with radical new sources of energy. But oil companies would suffer, so we don't. We should be looking out for every citizen, and if they lose their job, at least they won't lose their house trying to pay for their kid's leukemia surgery. But insurance companies would go under, so we don't. We should promote cooperation with foreign countries to help solve the world's problems together. But Haliburton said fuck that, let's make some moneeeeey!
At what point in this country did companies and politicians convince the people that they would be best served by voting against their own interests? At what point did high-minded debate get substituted for fear mongering and socialism-baiting? Have we been an oligarchy the entire time, but just wrapped in a democratic candy coating? Have we had this ruling class trying to prevent "others" (Irish, blacks, gays, etc.) from the same freedoms as everyone else the whole time?
Maybe this is how it's always been. Maybe I've just been too naive to notice.
It's tricky because America is always saying and acting like we're the best, but that's really just to keep the sheep complacent like "yeah, we're fucking great as is and I don't have to do anything for anyone! Our problem is not enough flag waving and too much learning!"
Also important: incessantly drumming up fear i.e. immigrants/minorities, Islam, China, swine flu, etc.
Pretty effective strategies.
I wrote this in a moment of frustration, which never leads to good writing or coherent thought construction. For instance, is there such a thing as "leukemia surgery"? I ain't no doctor-type person, but I don't think that disease works that way.
That being said, I agree with you about complacency. But what can you do about it, right? Meh. I'm sleepy. What's next in my NetFlix queue?
I can appreciate sudden outbursts of writing brought on by whatever emotion. I mean, if you can't vent your frustrations on the Internet, then where the hell can you?
Oh and plus... I think that is the best picture accompanying a blogpost that this site has ever seen.
Which kinda begs the question, just how exactly did you Obamafy your picture? Spill it!
It's just an iPhone app.
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