Long before Irish-Americans were able to carve out their own little slice of white privilege in the U.S., the Irish were largely considered to be hyper-sexual, criminal apes incapable of exhibiting any type of impulse control, strong work ethic, or money management (hmm, these stereotypes sure sound familiar) when compared to the more "mainstream" European immigrants who came to America. But boy, the Irish have written the shit out of some books!
So in honor of St. Patrick's Day and Irish word-smithing, I present this short list of some terms that are made more or less awesome by putting the word "Irish" at the beginning:
Irish curtains = spiderwebs, cobwebs (personal aside: my old boss Rich refers to his dust-bunnies and cobwebs as Irish curtains)
Irish hint = a threat
Irish ambulance/chariot = a wheelbarrow
Irish dividend = breaking even
Irish coat of arms = a black eye and a bloody nose
Irish confetti = rocks and stones
Irish promotion = a demotion
Irish clubhouse = prison
Irish cocktail = a spiked drink
Irish parliament = a large group of people where everyone is talking, and no one is listening (note: I'm not sure this isn't true of all parliament/government anymore, regardless of ethnic qualifier.)
Irish goodbye = a farewell that dispenses with all of the usual social conventions surrounding 'saying goodbye'--formal pleasantries such as handshakes, eye contact, 'hey, see you later', things of this nature.
This last one is my personal favorite--and I think we all have had some experience with what is being described here. This phenomenon probably stems from the heroic desire to avoid any social awkwardness associated with real life stuff (death, family, poverty, saying goodnight/goodbye, etc)
On that note, I think I'll be sneakily inching toward the side door..

1 comment:
You forgot these:
Irish twins - siblings born within 18 months of each other.
Irish soap - clump of mud dried in the sun.
Irish Tonight Show host - tall and really good at his job, but only gets to do it for seven months.
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