As Mike has zestfully pointed out in his last two posts, a lot of seriously fucked up nonsense has been going down the last couple of weeks, so let me add some fuel to the fi--errr.. let me add my two cents..
Offshore Drilling. Hmm. Humph. Oh well, here's to hoping that unrefined oil makes a really awesome fish marinade....Mmmm, this oil is so cruuuuuude. The recent announcement of President Obama's plan to increase deep sea drilling couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. I think the environment is the one area that President Obama deserves to be hammered on (well, and probably the continuation of two, IMO, needless wars--but I don't have enough disappointment & frustration to go around). Obviously, this drilling-for-oil-under-5000-feet-of-ocean practice is not as safe as everyone claims it is. I'm guessing that Obama (or his advisers) thought that demonstrating a willingness to increase offshore oil drilling would be seen as an act of "bipartisanship"--but what good is bipartisanship when the other side has no good ideas whatsoever? Take so-called clean coal, for example. Have you ever touched a piece of freaking coal? It is the opposite of clean, some might call it downright dirty. How do you expect to "clean" coal? Perhaps the same way you shine shit.
Bartering for Medical Services. Some bat-guano crazy politician lady (Sue Lowden--who is likely to beat Nevada Sen. Harry Reid in November--she's currently up {!} by like 10 percentage points or something) suggests that we ought to be bartering for our healthcare to help lower costs. Somehow I don't think my collection of video games is going to cover any type of surgery I may end up needing. Ms. Lowden specifically mentioned that during the Great Depression, people offered livestock, namely chickens, to doctors in exchange for medical services. So be careful, counting your chickens before they hatch could soon carry some serious medical consequences.
Stephanie Grace. Ugh, just STFU. This supposedly educated female sent some idiotic email around about how she thinks that African-Americans are "genetically" dumber than white people. As others have noted, this is pretty much the entire argument behind eugenics and the point blank definition of racism, yet many of her colleagues are rushing to her defense and bemoaning the fact that her identity has now been plastered across the Net (you're welcome). And whoops, now everybody knows about it, and BOO HOO HOO, her career as a
lawyer bullshitter is possibly in jeopardy. Look folks, skin color and eyelid folds (i.e. what we call 'race') do not equal genotype and barely has shit to do with our DNA. Check out Gawker (
here and
here) and PostBourgie (
here) for better and more informative takes than I can offer on the matter. And, oh great, she's got a degree in Sosh-ee-ol-o-gee. And she looks like she's Irish. Motherfucker.
Man, I am angry as Hell this week, I'm seriously about to pop off. And I don't even have enough piss left to discuss the new Arizona immigration law, but I think "By the Time I Get to Arizona" applies, so listen to that...
At least May has some cool music coming out, as well as the final episodes of "Lost", so maybe it'll all balance out.
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