Burger King is Almost Out of Ribs - Recently, Burger King added actual bone-in pork ribs to their menu (see pic above--Mmmm..so appetizing..I can almost feel the food-borne illness just thinking about them..), and lo and behold, those things are selling like hotcakes! So much so, that they apparently can't keep up with demand. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this, given the popularity of McDonald's McRib sandwich in the past--which may or may not have been actual pork, and was notorious for only being
shaped like bone-in pork ribs. Man, I can't believe I actually ate that shit, I was such a dumb kid.
'Little Girl and the Sea' Girl Slated for Inspirational Reality Show and Maybe a Book Hey Sure Why Not - I'm sorry, but this whole thing stinks of that ill-fated balloon boy fiasco from last year. I mean, why oh why would you let a 16 year old try to sail around the world solo? If I ever have a 16 year old daughter, I can tell you straight up she will only be allowed to travel in a three mile radius around our house. And rich people are always finding new ways to put themselves in harm's way--at least my middle-class status prevents me from ever being lost at sea on my own private yacht or falling off a horse during an equestrian event and breaking my neck. Hooray median income!
South Carolina Democratic Senatorial Candidate Alvin Greene - Hmm.. I'm not sure what to make of this guy, but he kinda reminds me of Bubba from
Forrest Gump. Now I know that finding a Democrat in South Carolina is like finding water in the desert, and that you don't have to be particularly eloquent to be a potential (or actual) senator/congress person (
Republican who suggested lining the U.S.-Mexican border with landmines, I'm looking at you), but there is something just really strange about this whole situation. I mean, what do we have here--what is the most likely explanation? A glitch in the voting machines? An attempt by SC Republicans to disgrace the Democratic party? Voter apathy? The rule of primacy (Greene's name was listed first on the ballot)? As if there weren't enough things about South Carolina to make you scratch your head...
Glenn Beck Hates the World Cup - which is reason enough for all civil-minded individuals to love the shit out of it. I'm guessing Mr. Beck doesn't like it because of all the foreigners and because all of the announcers use the Queen's English--traitorous bastards!
Tighty-Whitey Boy - some 10 year old with enablers for parents broke a "world record" for donning 215 pairs of underwear. Why are there records for the most ridiculous bullshit? Was the former record holder who could only manage to put on 207 pairs of Hanes on hand to witness this feat of human endurance? God, I hope not.
Alright, I gotta run, I'm trying to break the world record for creating the largest tree house made entirely out of Burger King's pork ribs.
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