January 07, 2010

Questions Brought Up By The New “Lost” Promotional Photos That Will Most Likely Also Go Unanswered

Where’s Desmond?
Will the character of Desmond face the same fate as Walt, Mr. Eko, Libby, Matthew Abadon, and that lady who was the Others’ “sheriff” in exactly one episode (interesting characters who we’re led to believe are important to the story arc but that are abandoned haphazardly)?

What’s Claire Doing Here?
Isn’t she dead? I mean, she is, right? I guess this leads into the whole “what happened when the bomb goes off” conversation: will the series reboot to the beginning, meaning everyone who we’ve seen die will be alive again? I hope not. I may finally have to call bullshit on this show.

The Last Supper? Really?
I know this show is rife with religious iconography and subtext, but this seems like overkill. Interesting to see that Locke is Jesus in this scenario and not Jack, but not very interesting.

God, Are We There Yet?
Honestly, I love “Lost” without reservation, but there are many lingering, bothersome questions I have that I doubt will be answered by these final 17 episodes.

Get ready to be befuddled, people.

1 comment:

Scrap Heap Pete said...

Hmmm... I sense a very cautious, if not pessimistic, tone from you about Lost that I don't think I've ever seen at this magnitude.

I mean, this season is gonna be the best ~17 hours of television, ever. No future tv show will ever even approach its level of greatness. Am I right?

But yeah, this picture sucks.