August 18, 2011

Floatsam And Jetsam

So I know that telling you about a wealthy entrepreneur (Peter Thiel - full story here) investing over $1 million toward efforts to create a floating, Libertarian-style island nation sounds like a zany story (or even like an awesome video game - hello Bioshock), but yeah, that is just how the elite roll. Crazily.

But you know who also rolls crazily? Island-razing bands of criminals, among other sadistic motherf@%#ers. And while I'd love to sit here and type out point after point about why a Libertarian society would never, ever work -- I'll just sum up my thoughts like this: we, as a (primarily) human society, need some level of government/state-based intervention to keep us safe from ourselves. Is this sad since it means that we haven't evolved to a point where we aren't constantly taking physical, social, spiritual, or economic advantage of one another? It sure is. I'm sorry about that.

And while I'm all for people like Penn Jillette, Rand Paul, and other Ayn Rand-minded elitists with too much money rushing to their inevitable, grisly fate by moving to the ocean, don't think for 2 seconds that a bunch of hedonistic rich people are just going to magically build a utopian society full of personal freedoms with all of their dollar bills and "entrepreneurial zeal".

August 01, 2011

Post-Racial Society At Its Finest

*UPDATE* - David Sedaris channels Morrissey's views on Chinese people in a Guardian piece.

--Black valedictorian? Whoa.. slow down.. that's way too progressive for Arkansas.

--Regarding the recent debt ceiling brouhaha, Colorado Rep. Lamborn thinks working with Pres. Obama was like "touching a tar baby", was retroactively sorry about using that racially charged phrase, and was later quoted as saying, "Aw shucks, I didn't mean nuthin by it, no siree. A-hyuck."

--According to Fox News (now with 5% more fact-like content!!), Barack Obama doesn't have birthday parties, he has hip-hop barbecues! Word.