November 20, 2008

The World is a Far Darker Place Now

They say you don't know what you have untill it's gone. That's bullshit.

I knew what I had. And now it is gone.

And I don't know what to do with myself.

November 08, 2008

The Obama Doctrine

Now that we have elected a radical militant Christian Muslim racist socialist communist empty-suited foreign terrorist for president, I started wondering what types of things President-elect Obama might do in his first couple days of office.

Here's what I came up with:

Day 1
Kill all of the white babies

Day 2
Re-enact slavery (of white people; you too, Biden)

Day 3
Force the slaves into gay marriages

Day 4
Take all of the slaves' money and spread it around to the non-slaves

Day 5
Dig up the bodies of all dead white people (except his relatives, that would be offensive)

Day 6
Eat tons of asparagus and pee on the dead white peoples' bones and brain dust

Day 7
Raise taxes

November 05, 2008

Abortions and Gay Marriage for Everyone!

What are we going to bitch about now?

November 04, 2008

November 03, 2008

Chris Berman is Unacceptable!

During halftime of tonight's Monday Night Football broadcast, Chris Berman -- patron saint of moronic catchphrases, fake hair, and incessant player nicknames that incorportate their last name -- will interview our two presidential candiates, Sens. McCain and Obama. Fuck me.

I can already hear it:

Berman: On my left, Senator Barack "Don't Call Me" Hussien Obama, and on my right, John "I'm So Old That I Require the Use of a" McCain "to Walk With."
Obama: Thank you, Chris. I'd like to also thank Senator McCain for a spirited campaign and...
Berman: Great. So, Senator McCain, isn't it true that you love this country?
McCain: Why yes. I love this country with the white hot heat of a thousand suns.
Berman: Whoa, Senator. That's a lot of hot love.
Obama: Sun metaphors aside, Chris, I think what the American people can expect from...
McCain: Don't vote for a black.
Berman: Rumblin', stumblin', stumpin', banana-fanna-bo-humpin'. (awkward silence from all) Back to Steelers-Skins, tied going into the second half.

See, America. Tonight we all lose.