January 29, 2007


As I and most of my fellow Americans arise from our drunken weekend slumber, I find it hard not to be distracted by the stench coming from the 'sea of suck' that is our cultural enivonment. We've got government, war, healthcare, haves and have-nots, jobs, co-workers, fellow humans, pollution, global warming, traffic jams, global cooling, radio by ClearChannel, reality TV, pharmaceutical companies, WalMart, charlatans, fat-free ice cream, hucksters, and the list goes on and on...
Let's face it, there are a lot of things in this vast sea of suck. It is quite easy to drown in this sea, but we here at WAWGDWATT are here to act as your life preserver, saving you from tidal waves of insert sucky noun here. Consider the following theme as a shrine to people, places, or things that are not a part of this vile sea. Without further ado, we are proud to present the inaugural edition of..............

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