July 24, 2007

How About We Try This

Perhaps I was tweeny bit harsh by suggesting completely getting rid of the website, and I agree that more creating is better than no creating. But I think if we were actually writing funny/astute cultural commentary, then we wouldn't have gotten bored so quickly. 'Cause all I was doing, until I ran out of anything to write, was making fun of celebrities, which is no fun, no sir, not at all. Plus how many "Why Y'all So Vagina" things can one write before one is simply a parody of one's self. The answer, if anyone cares, is four. Four times.

Anyway, onto the hard part: what do we make of this web log? I just had the brilliant idea to make the blog nothing but one-act plays. Any topic, any genre, any style. What do you think? Here I'll start things off...

Lights come up on a dark and dirty dive bar. The place is empty save for two sad souls sitting next to each other. Each are slouched over their drinks as if their beer mugs were the only thing keeping them off the ground. This is Ed and this is Larry.

Ed and Larry sit silently as a black and white TV bolted up on the wall in the corner shows a baseball game, Yanks versus Sox, the broken and warbled voices of the commentators softly fill the space in the background.

See that guy?

Which guy?

Ed (pointing)
That one -- A-Rod.

Larry (not looking)
What about him?

He's not so great. He ain't better'n me, tell
you that much.

He's better at playing baseball than you.

That don't make him better'n me.

Most folks would disagree with that.

Ed (angry)
Whassat supposed to mean?

Well, how I figure, if A-Rod were
to get hit by a full semi rig running
full bear and flattened him like a pancake,
lots of people would care. If you got hit
by that same truck, nobody would care.
That makes him better than you.

Yeah, well... I guess you're right.
But jus' look at him. Sitting there
with that stupid look on his face,
thinking that he's better than me.

Larry (looks up at TV)
No, Ed. He's not thinking he's better
than you. He's thinking about pussy.

Curtain. Lights.

So, whaddya think?


Scrap Heap Pete said...

You're right about constant celebrity bashing not being too fun. Sorta makes me feel like taking lots of showers. I guess sites like Defamer, The Smoking Gun, and What Would Tyler Durden Do have pretty much cornered the market for celebrity bashing.

Amateur playwright it is!

Marie Debris said...

You're joking right?

Mike said...

Pete, I don't know to whom Marie is directing her question -- me for suggesting a blog of play writing, or you for agreeing to it. Actually, I'm kind of surprised that you'd go for that idea. It was literally the first thing that I thought of as I was writing. Do you really think we can keep that up? I'm game if you are... we can come up with some experimental, off-off-off Broadway shit.

Scrap Heap Pete said...

It was my understanding that we could pretty much take a free-form approach to this thing, although I can accept a moratorium on all celebrity bashing.
Since there aren't any rules on the Internet, we might as well take advantage of it.
Weblinks to funny places, one-act plays, the top 5 songs you heard on your iPod this week, lines from songs, tv, movies and why they're important to you, etc. Anything and everything goes (minus that whole celebrity thing).