October 29, 2008

Can I Vote Yet?


Only 6 more days (or 7 or 8 depending upon the level of GOP-sponsored voter suppression in your area) until Election Day. This will easily be the most excruciating, painful, nerve-racking, torturous 6 days in recorded history. The level of self-prescribed medication required to keep me (relatively) sane during this entirely asinine political process has been astounding.

The suspense is killing me--are the tracking polls accurate? Will enough young people vote? Will the GOP succeed in stealing another election? Are those who are still claiming to be 'Undecided' (side note: how the fuck are you still undecided?!?!?) really just hiding the fact that they won't vote for a black man? What will happen if Obama loses? By the way, none of these questions are effective sleep aids, in case you were wondering.


I remember the good old days of the 2004 Presidential Election when I wasn't so much voting for a candidate (Kerry) as I was voting against one (Bush). Or even going back to 2000 when I didn't even bother to vote (Gore = meh, plus I always thought Lieberman was a joke--you want to do what with my videogames??). Oh disaffection, why have you abandoned me? What happened to the aloof Scrap Heap Pete I came to rely on for snarky, pessimistic sarcasm? Obama, I love you, man, but why have you made me care so much? To be honest, all this caring is kinda painful.

But after the sweet release of Nov. 4 (depending on the outcome), I may finally be able to get a good night sleep again.

And more importantly, at long last I can go back to not giving two shits about politics and I can focus on what is really important: UFO conspiracies.

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