November 20, 2008

The World is a Far Darker Place Now

They say you don't know what you have untill it's gone. That's bullshit.

I knew what I had. And now it is gone.

And I don't know what to do with myself.


Scrap Heap Pete said...

Are you referring to the end of FJM? I'm not really buying the whole "starting to repeat themselves" line of reasoning for stopping.

There appears to be an influx of new material every day, I mean, doesn't Plaschke and his ilk come up with new ways of sucking every day (especially if you look at all sports and not just baseball)?

Just come out and say that blogging doesn't pay the bills like a real job does. Unless, of course, you do like we do and blog while you're supposed to be doing your real job.

Mike said...

Ah, Scrapheap, that is why I love you. With no discernable reason to doubt another's motivations, your cynicism and distrust of others shines through like a well-crafted laserbeam canon. I take these dudes at their word, that there are only so many times you can write, "Bill Plashke sucks and Woody Paige needs to be quartered" without getting bored with yourself.

Scrap Heap Pete said...

Yes. 'Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you' and all that jazz.

All I'm sayin' is that everyone already knew the likes of Paige, Bayliss, Stephen A., McCarver, etc. didn't know what the hell they're talking about--and we know that they're not about to get all profound on us. But having their poorly chosen words carefully dissected in blog format made all of the stupidity easier to swallow.

Anyway, if Ken Tremendous got bored writing about poor sports journalism, shouldn't he be bored writing about an office that deals in paper products?