March 16, 2009

Dear Rich Professional Athletes, Hire A Goddamn Driver

Okay, yes, it is terrible that Donte Stallworth hit and killed a man while drunk driving. No question, that was a bad move on Donte's part. Often, it seems, professional athletes get arrested for either driving while intoxicated or possessing weed. I don't understand how this continues to happen. You all are rich. I understand, you like to party at hot, downtown clubs. But you also all live out in McMansions in the suburbs of the city you live in or play in. So that means that you have to drive home at the end of a hot, downtown kinda night. But again, you are millionaires. Hire a fucking driver, son. It doesn't even have to be some professional chauffeur. Pay one of your buddies, like, $100 to be the designated driver. You're rich; you can spare the money. Have that same dude hold onto your weed when you're not smoking it. This is so easy, and the best part: you won't get arrested, you won't get fined by your league/team, you won't embarrass yourself and your family, and most importantly, you won't kill a construction worker whose just worked the graveyard shift and is running across the street to catch his bus.

Hire a fucking driver, kid.


Scrap Heap Pete said...

I sort of agree. But how much fun would have been erased from our lives had we always driven sober?

I think the lesson learned is that you have to be wicked smart and awesome in order to drive while intoxicated successfully. Or at least smarter/awesomer than everyone else who's driving 'under the influence.' Terrible and irresponsible but true.

Mike said...

Agreed. But back then, if we were as rich as we were smart and awesome and handsome, then I think we would've had just as much fun having a sober person steal your Jeep and drive it around while we sat in the back and drunkenly talked about infinity and physics and pussy. But maybe not... it is super awesome to drive drunk...

Scrap Heap Pete said...

Hmmm, I think I missed out on all that pussy commentary. Anyway, if we had money left over after the purchase of alcohol & various intoxicants to purchase a chauffeur, yes, we probably would have done that. On the same token tho, if we had money to use on chauffeurs, might we also have had the money to make our place of residence so flashy and entertaining (i.e. waterfalls, beautiful scenery, bowling alleys, arcade, movie theater, chrome-plated evertything) that we wouldn't even have to leave the premises? It's all about the money management.