September 01, 2009

Jay-Z Explains Why Indie Rock Matters

"[Grizzly Bear is] an incredible band. The thing I want to say to everyone -- I hope this happens because it will push rap, it will push hip-hop to go even further -- what the indie rock movement is doing right now is very inspiring. It felt like us in the beginning. These concerts, they're not on the radio, no one hears about them, and there's 12,000 people in attendance. And the music that they're making and the connection they're making to people is really inspiring. So I hope that they have a run where they push hip-hop back a little bit, so it will force hip-hop to fight to make better music. Because it can happen. Because that's what rap did to rock.

"When rock was the dominant force in music, rap came and said, 'Y'all got to sit down for a second, this is our time.' And we've had a stranglehold on music since then. So I hope indie rock pushes rap back a bit because it will force people to make great music for the sake of making great music."

-- Jay-Z, explaining to MTV why he and his wife attended
the free Grizzly Bear show yesterday in Brooklyn
I love Hova.


Scrap Heap Pete said...

I'm not a huge fan of Grizzly Bear but I like what he said about the indie rock/hip-hop connection.

And even though I feel his emcee skills are a tad overrated, I can still respect him for things such as this.

Kanye though, I don't care how much he likes Lykke Li, Santigold, or Peter, Bjorn & John.

Mike said...

Yeah, Kayne's indie obsession seems -- like almost every public thing that dude does -- to be a grasp at being cool.

Like, have you ever seen the Zach Galifinakis/Will Oldham video for Kanye's "Can't Tell Me Nothing"? It's kinda funny to see them recontextualize rap video cliches into a rural, farm setting, but at the same time, it totally feels like a stab at indie cred. Like, hey hipster kids, do you think these indie culture representatives are cool? Well, so do I, so that then makes me also cool, right? It's the same shit Madonna has pulled her whole career: find some hip, underground thing or person and use it to demonstrate your own undeniable cool-ness.

What were we originally talking about?

Scrap Heap Pete said...

We were originally talking about H-to-the-Izzo and his indie rock fandom, I believe...