December 02, 2009

If You Only Hear One 40 Minute Clip of Stage Banter This Year...

...make it Fugazi (click here, clip is at the bottom). Oh man. I love how they unabashedly took on pretty much every type of asshole there ever was.

Some choice quotes:

"Why 'Fuck me'?"

"What's wrong? Why are you giving me the finger? Well..let's talk about it."

"Did anyone read Scientific American last month?"

"To the person that will go turn the air conditioning off, we will give you $10."

"Sir, did you spit? 'Cause you look like the guy who might've spit."

"We don't provide a soundtrack for violence."

"I'm 40 years old and yet I still have to treat 27 year olds like little fucking children. Start acting your ages, you little babies."

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