a. "I could give a good fuck what your commander said; I need to go over to that Starbucks. Don’t give me that, 'plane into a building' shit, Officer Fuckball! I need my moccafucktaddo now!"
b. "Do you know who I am? Huh? I’m so famous that, so help me God, I could take a shit right over there, and nobody would stop me."
c. "Yeah, buddy, mine’s the black Bentley convertible halfway down that block. Bring it around quick, will you? I got a lady waiting. A couple of ‘em, actually."
d. "No, you tell me how to get a fucking plane out of the road."
e. "How can you say that? Sorkin’s show isn’t even funny!"
Correct Answer: A, B, and D
'Moccafucktaddo'. That is awesome. I will never look at a Starbuck's again without laughing. Is that sort of like a 'nellyfurtaddo'?
No, unfortunately a "nellyfurtaddo" is just herpes.
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