October 21, 2006

The Boys Scouts of America: Turning Your Kids Into Narcs Since 1916

This past Friday, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) announced a strange alliance with the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts, already a haven for pasty goodie-two-shoes and future homophobic Republicans, have agreed to incorporate an MPAA-approved curriculum for their Los Angeles-area troops. The important life-lesson the movie industry desperately wants to impart to the young, impressionable middle managers of tomorrow: Respecting Copyrights and Intellectual Property.

That’s right, friends. The MPAA hopes to stem the tide of illegal bootlegging and downloading of movies and music by teaching Boy Scouts—fucking Boy Scouts—that it’s important for everybody to pay eleven dollars to see Ray Romano do the voice of an animated donkey.

The bestbestbest part, though, is that the lucky LA-based troopers will be able to earn a “Respect Copyrights” patch for performing MPAA-approved activities including, but not limited to, “creating a public service announcement that demonstrates the importance of copyright protection or visiting a movie studio to learn about the people, time and costs required to make a movie.” Wha...?

I can’t think of any joke that could make this seem more ridiculous. Although it’s a real treat to imagine Troop 412 from Culver City touring the Paramount lot, all wide-eyed and giddy, hoping to meet Spider-Man. But instead, they get some dude in a suit saying, “Hi, guys! Let’s meet some of the people who work behind the scenes! This scruffy fat guy over here is Bernie. He’s a producer. Now, if you illegally download Pirates of the Caribbean instead of paying the full suggested retail price, then Bernie won’t be able to afford the incredible amount of cocaine he enjoys snorting off his under-aged girlfriend’s enormous, fake rack. You wouldn’t want to do that to Bernie, would you, kids? Huh?”

I'm left to wonder just how much money it takes to get the Boy Scouts to endorse your industry's cause. If the tobacco lobby just ponied up the right amount, could they get some sort of Joe Camel patch for the scout who blows the best smoke rings? Shit, I'd chip in to see that.

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