November 13, 2006

Mmmm... Bipartisanship...

All Aboard!!! That's right people of America, you're invited to join us here aboard the Bipartisan Ship!!! This all-inclusive cruise sets sail for two whole years and goes absolutely nowhere for the low low price of millions and millions in tax-payer dollars!!! You'll see the exotic scenery of the Filibuster, behold the awe-inspiring views of Political Quagmires, experience the joy of Muck Raking, and witness the breath-taking Model of Governmental Inefficiency!!! That's right, we make the U.N. look like a friggin' well-oiled machine!! What?!? You say you need more fun and entertainment?!? Can you say, 'Veto Power'? That's what I thought. On your cruise, you will be dining on a menu that consists entirely of fine government cheeses prepared by the finest one and a half star chef money can buy! After two years when the Bipartisan Ship returns to port, you can choose (via the presidential election) to join us for another few years or transfer to the Straight Up Partisan Ship! The choice is yours!! Space is limited so please, make your reservations today!

1 comment:

Scrap Heap Pete said...

See, this is what happens when I have nothing to do.