December 21, 2006

Bastardize, Smastardize..

As the release dates for "The Simpsons" and "Transformers" movies draw ever closer, I find myself overwhelmed by a crippling sense of anxiety. These are, after all, two television shows that I hold near and dear to my heart and would hate to have their legacies tarnished by shallow, gaudy, 90-120 minute con jobs packaged as "summer blockbusters" (see "X-Files: The Movie"). Hollywood does has a notoriety for bastadizing all which is good and right in this world.

"The Simpsons" (in my estimation, without being superlative) is without a doubt the funniest show, animated or otherwise, in the history of television. No other comedy show has been able to put together a string of hilarious years like "The Simpsons" did from about season 3 until season 12 (or is it 13?). Granted, it is not nearly as funny anymore, and I can't honestly say I've watched a new episode in over a year... Makes me wonder if this movie is The Simpsons' swan song?

What is it about seeing the word "Transformers" adjacent to the name "Michael Bay" that makes me involuntarily shudder? Hmm... hold on a sec... let me pull up Mr. Bay's resume here... ... ...oh shit ... of all the self-indulgent tripe.... Perhaps I'm hallucinating and can't recall kick-ass cartoons from the 80s, but did Transformers look like crosses between the aliens from "Starship Troopers" and the Terminator in the T.V. show? Was Bumblebee a fucking Camaro?

Don't get me wrong. I'm going to see these movies. The trailers have me cautiously excited (a ways to go before wet-my-pants status). I'm not planning any boycotts yet. I'm approaching these movies the same way I approached Michael Jordan playing for the Washington Wizards: worth seeing once and then quickly forgotten about.

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