February 22, 2007

Am I Crazy...

...or does Britney Spears go to rehab like the rest of us go to 7-11? Three times in one week!! Wow, now that's what I call 'recidivism.' Or maybe in Hollywood, "rehab" is just a more fashionable way to say "day spa"..


Mike said...

Have you seen that photo of her in that Carol Channing wig, the sunglasses sliding down her nose to reveal her coked out eyes? I actually started feeling bad for her. I mean, c'mon, imagine how awful it would be if every time you got high, a thousand pricks were outside waiting to take your picture. How fucked up is that life? Really. How much money would it take for you to put up with that? And how psyched would you be to stay sober knowing that exists around you?

Marie Debris said...

Sorry Basura, but pity for Spears is not allowed here. Take that shit and go elsewhere. You may however, feel as much pity as humanly possible for her two children.

Scrap Heap Pete said...

I have to agree. I do feel sorry for three-legged dogs, people in Burmese prisons, children in war-torn Liberia, etc. But I do not feel sorry for Britney Spears. What, she thought fame was free? Why can't she be like the other 95% of celebrities and manage her high? Have you ever seen an episode of "Chaotic"? Sorry, Brit, there's no cure for karma..

Mike said...

Okay, I’m going answer your questions FJM-style:

What, she thought fame was free?

I agree that being famous has its downside, what with the paparazzi and constant attention. But I don’t think that kind of ridiculous treatment and voyeurism should have to be gone through by anyone, regardless of situation.

Why can't she be like the other 95% of celebrities and manage her high?

I agree, and very funny observation. But I simply ask that you, for only a moment, as you would for all those three-legged dogs and Burmese criminals, put yourself in her place: She is hunted by this celebrity-stalking media wherever she goes. That’s just a shitty situation to be in—probably a worse one when you’re high.

Have you ever seen an episode of "Chaotic"?

Yes. Terrible show. Home movies should never be released as entertainment, especially when the participants are so incredibly dim. I remember it was also super boring.

Sorry, Brit, there's no cure for karma…

What if you don’t believe in karma? Then it doesn’t apply to you, right? That’s kind-of a cure. This goes along with my theory that people who don’t believe in God go to Heaven because the rules for entry don’t apply to them. Only Christians who truly believe and still sin go to Hell. The non-believers are just ushered into Heaven because they never sinned against something they didn’t believe in the first place. Pretty sweet theory, right? Where were we…?

Scrap Heap Pete said...

I definitely see what you're saying.. up until that last point.. I don't believe in gravity, but that shit's been holding me down for years..